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Using Leftover Fruit

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSSo many fruits, so many options!Leftover fruit makes for the perfect recipes this summer.FRUITY ICE CUBESPu...

Ketchup Chip Crumbs

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSDon't toss your ketchup chips just yet. Re-use your Ketchup chip crumbs for an added shot of flavour.A FLAVOUR...

Love Your Leftover Hummus

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSCreamy and delicious, a little hummus goes a long way.REFRESH YOUR HUMMUSJazz up your hummus by adding a herb puree over top....

How to Use Dragon Fruit

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSA versatile tropical fruit that makes your Summer essentials even more refreshing.DRAGON FRUIT LEMONADEAdd cubed dragon f...

Pasta Salad under $15

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSEveryone will be satisfied with this pasta dish.WHAT YOU'LL NEEDCompliments Pasta (Rotini) 900 gUnico Sundried Tomato 210 mLSp...

How to PickDragon Fruit

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSA tropical fruit with a burst of colour and taste.Helpful tips on how to slice, dice and eat your dragon fruit....

Protein Balls under $15

30 Delicious Banana Protein BallsUNDER $15 A pop-in-your-mouth healthy treat.A Work-From-Home SnackAn easy-to-make snack with items t...

Pizza Cups For under $15

Pizza Cups For Under $15Bite-sized pizza cups are a delicious and easy no-mess lunch!Lunch Under $15Only four simple ingredients make...

Easy Breakfast Hacks

EASY BREAKFAST HACKSA nutritious breakfast is always a good idea. Here are easy breakfast hacks made with our go-to food - eggs!Easy Tips...

Repurposed Egg Cartons

REPURPOSED EGG CARTONSThe eggs are gone, but don't toss the egg carton just yet! We've found unique ways to repurpose the carton.Easy Tip...

KeepProduce Fresh

KEEP PRODUCE FRESHMake those vegetables go a long way.Easy TipsFRESH ASPARAGUSAfter buying asparagus, soak a paper towel in...

Keep YourLeftover Chickpeas

KEEP YOUR LEFTOVER CHICKPEASChickpeas make a delicious sandwich filling, or can stretch your tuna salad to feed a bigger crowd. Sweet or savoury, chic...

Use Leftover Tomato Sauce

Use YourLeftover Tomato SauceChickpeas make a delicious sandwich filling, or can stretch your tuna salad to feed a bigger crowd. Sweet or savoury, chi...

Curry Chicken under $20

Instant Curry Chickenunder $20 Makes a healthy dinner for the family!Dinner for FourA budget-friendly savoury meal for the family....
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